Soda Ash Light
What is Light SODA ASH?
Light soda ash, sodium carbonate content which is white in color, sold in powder form and 50 kg of bags chemical. Easily soluble in water and a clear, colorless solution are formed. Heavy mineral densities and differences.
Laundry and tulle whitening, glass production, toothpaste, textiles, and food is used as an acidity regulator.
soda Ash is one of the most basic industrial chemicals and essential components of many products which we use in our everyday lives.
About half of all soda ash is consumed by the glass industry: flat glass for the housing, commercial building and automotive industries, container glass for consumer products.
Other glass-related uses include lighting, fiberglass insulation, glassware, display screens for consumer electronics and solar panels. Soda Ash is widely used in soaps, detergents, and other cleaning products.
It can also be used to increase the alkalinity in swimming pools, helping to ensure the proper pH balance of the water. It also provides the sodium source for the production of pharmaceuticals, food preservatives, adhesives as well as pulp and paper.
Soda Ash is also a raw material in some sectors of metallurgy, e.g. removing phosphates and sulfurs from non-ferrous or ferrous ores, recycling aluminum and zinc. Additionally, it is used as a smelting flux and flotation agent, moreover in the production of lithium-based batteries, and lead-based batteries recycling.